New Social Media Class Projects
New Social Media Class By professor Judith F. Baca
Rafael Ramirez Solorzano
Major: Chicana and Chicano Studies
My intention was to create a video animation series for an emerging generation of Chicano Studies scholars, community activists, who are looking for frameworks that help them think critically about power, dominant ideologies, coalition building, heteropatriachy and multisided resistance.
Isabel Duron and Lawrence Lan
Major: Chicana and Chicano Studies. Major: Asian American Studies
The Right to Los Angeles project aims to document the many faces of gentrification and displacement throughout northeast Los Angeles City and to curate the creative grassroots organizing that has emerged in response to the changes that people have seen in their neighborhoods.
Nicolas Brenda
Major: Chicana and Chicano Studies
My Project is a social media site for use by the people of San Jerónimo Zoochina-Bene Xhiin to help fulfill their obligations to their village and to document the stories for others to learn about
the unique history and culture of my home in Oaxaca.
Kaelyn D. Rodriguez
Major: Chicana and Chicano Studies
This website supports a community of women of color artists while showcasing their artworks. It is a digital space to gather resources, have discussions, and learn more about women of color artists.
Maria Daniela Jimenez and Nadia Zepeda
Major: Chicana and Chicano Studies. Major: Chicana and Chicano Studies
A Chicanita’s Guide to…Borderlands/La Frontera is the inaugural issue for our online zine targeted at Chicanas (and other young girls of color) between the ages of 13-18. Our project’s intention is to provide a fun resource for young girls with the hope of that it can open up conversations around topics Chicanitas are not given the space to discuss or would like to learn about. We decided to begin our zine series with an introduction to Gloria Anzaldúa’s Borderlands/La Frontera to expose Chicanitas to canonical Chicana feminist theory.
Maria Daniela Jimenez and Nadia Zepeda
Major: Education
YPAR stands for Youth Participatory Action Research. Through a co-collaboration with adult researchers, youth becomes researchers of their own social contexts to understand how to improve conditions and bring about greater equity” (Akom, Ginwright, & Cammarota, 2008, p.5). As POPP students, we will be engaging in the research process to investigate the topic of community policing that includes topics such as: 1) how our lived experiences and knowledge of Los Angeles can be used to build trust and relations with the Los Angeles community; 2) the role of race, class, gender, culture, language, sexuality, religion, age, etc. in policing; and 3) redefining community policing. Our project topics include bullying, drug abuse and effects, teen pregnancy, community programs, police officers as role models, same-sex couples and adoption, prostitution and human trafficking, imposter homeless, and wounded veterans.